Sunday 27 October 2019

Over 200 Fire-Related Incidents Reported in Delhi on Diwali Despite Ban on Sale of Crackers

Over 200 Fire-Related Incidents Reported in Delhi on Diwali Despite Ban on Sale of Crackers

Over 200 Fire-Related Incidents Reported in Delhi on Diwali Despite Ban on Sale of Crackers

As many as 214 fire-related calls were received from Saturday midnight until 11 pm on Sunday.

Image result for delhi fire crackers shops

Friday 25 October 2019

Environmental Science

Q. Explain the formation of  Photochemical smog and its effects.

Photochemical smog is a type of smog produced when ultraviolet light from the sun reacts with nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere. It is visible as a brown haze, and is most prominent during the morning and afternoon, especially in densely populated, warm cities.

Photochemical smog forms from a complex process, however the source of it is quite apparent. The largest contributor is automobiles, while coal-fired power plants and some other power plants also produce the necessary pollutants to facilitate its production. Due to its abundance in areas of warmer temperatures, photochemical smog is most common in the summer.

It forms in the morning when a tremendous number people are driving their vehicles to work. Nitrogen oxides produced in the car engine are introduced into the atmosphere, which may combine with water to form nitric acid or react with sunlight to produce singular oxygen atoms, which then combine with molecular oxygen to produce ozone. The nitric acid may precipitate to the Earth resulting in acid rain, or remain in the smog. Due to the direct production of it by vehicles, the smog forms over cities where many people may encounter its adverse health effects.


Nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are emitted from the combustion of fossil fuels, along with being naturally emitted from things such as volcanos and forest fires. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, NO2 goes through a complex series of reactions with hydrocarbons to produce the components of photochemical smog—a mixture of ozone, nitric acid, aldehydes, peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs) and other secondary pollutants.
Image result for photochemical smog

Effects of Photochemical Smog 

  • NO2, ozone and PANs are called photochemical oxidants because they can react and oxidize certain compounds in the atmosphere or within a person's lungs that are not normally oxidized. Even small traces of these chemicals can affect the respiratory tract of humans and animals, and damage crops and trees.
  • Photochemical smog has many adverse effects. When combined with hydrocarbons, the chemicals contained within it form molecules that cause eye irritation. Radicals in the air interfere with the nitrogen cycle by preventing the destruction of ground level ozone. Other effects include reduced visibility and respiratory ailments. 
  • Ground level ozone is also produced which has various effects on the human body.

2. Discuss the Methods to control noise

Some of the ways to control noise pollution are as follows: 
(1) Control at Receiver’s End 
(2) Suppression of Noise at Source 
(3) Acoustic Zoning 
(4) Sound Insulation at Construction Stages 
(5) Planting of Trees 
(6) Legislative Measures.

Noise pollution can be effectively controlled by taking the following measures:

(1) Control at Receiver’s End:
For people working in noisy installations, ear-protection aids like ear-plugs, ear-muffs, noise helmets, headphones etc. must be provided to reduce occupational exposure

(2) Suppression of Noise at Source:
This is possible if working methods are improved by:
(a) Designing, fabricating and using quieter machines to replace the noisy ones.
(b) Proper lubrication and better maintenance of machines.
(c) Installing noisy machines in sound proof chambers.
(d) Covering noise-producing machine parts with sound-absorbing materials to check noise production.
(e) Reducing the noise produced from a vibrating machine by vibration damping i.e. making a layer of damping material (rubber, neoprene, cork or plastic) beneath the machine.
(f) Using silencers to control noise from automobiles, ducts, exhausts etc. and convey systems with ends opening into the atmosphere.
(g) Using glass wool or mineral wool covered with a sheet of perforated metal for the purpose of mechanical protection.

(3) Acoustic Zoning:

Increased distance between source and receiver by zoning of noisy industrial areas, bus terminals and railway stations, aerodromes etc. away from the residential areas would go a long way in minimising noise pollution. There should be silence zones near the residential areas, educational institutions and above all, near hospitals.

(4) Sound Insulation at Construction Stages:
(a) Sound travels through the cracks that get left between the door and the wall. For reducing noise, this space (jamb frame gap) should be packed with sound absorbing material.
(b) Sound insulation can be done by constructing windows with double or triple panes of glass and filling the gaps with sound absorbing materials.
(c) Acoustical tiles, hair felt, perforated plywood etc. can be fixed on walls, ceilings, floors etc. to reduce noise (especially for sound proof recording rooms etc.)

(5) Planting of Trees:
Planting green trees and shrubs along roads, hospitals, educational institutions etc. help in noise reduction to a considerable extent.

(6) Legislative Measures:
Strict legislative measures need to be enforced to curb the menace of noise pollution. Some of these measures could be:
(a) Minimum use of loudspeakers and amplifiers especially near silence zones.
(b) Banning pressure horns in automobiles.
(c) Implementing Noise Pollution Act. 

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Road Safety is a shared responsibility

Road Safety is a shared responsibility
Together we can save millions of lives

The number of road traffic accidents and injuries is increasing day by day and over 90% of the world's road traffic accidents are road crashes among people aged 15-29 years.The unending accidents are taking place mainly due to the most erratic bike riding of the youth and the ever increasing traffic all over. In day to day life the accidents have also became a part of day's activity. For this condition one need to blame several factors and focus has to be drawn on various factors to reduce the rate of accidents

Though some factors like night driving, bad roads, stray animals and poor maintenance of vehicles have contributed as the major causes of the numerous accidents on the roads, but 90% of road traffic accidents are as a result of human error.

Car crash

Human errors including use of mobile phones while driving, over speeding, failure to use seat belt, misjudgement, over-taking , negligent pedestrians and non civic behavior of people are worth mentioning for the increase in the rate of accidents.If we look into it, people are prone to making errors and violating traffic laws. Road safety awareness should be employed to educate people on road safety and bring about behavior change.

Human loss due to road accidents cause grief, pain and untold economic suffering to families. The people's outlook has changed enormously on the affected people and no body cares now a days and not even in a position to create a sensation or concern or a matter of discussion today. The public need to realize that road safety must be a shared responsibility and everyone of us should take part in reducing the rate of accidents. Road safety should be in action around the world and it is the best attempt to inform and change the perception and behavior of the people. In particular, Road safety awareness would be the effective way to influence the public to behave more responsibly.

Safe Behavior on roads for improving the effectiveness of Road safety:

Seat belts : Wearing a seat belt can reduce the fatalities among front seat passengers by up to 50% and among rear seat car passengers up to 75%.

Drinking & Driving: Young people are at greater risk of alcohol-related road crashes. Law enforcement through breath check points can reduce alcohol related crashes by 20%.

Helmets: Wearing a standard helmet can reduce the risk of death by almost 40% and the risk of severe injury by over 70%.

Distracted Driving: Distracted driving is a growing problem due to increased use of mobiles technology in vehicles that has significantly increased likelihood of a crash.

Easiest ways to reduce distraction is to keep phones out of reach while driving, reduce the number of passengers contributing to distractions, turn down the volumes on the road and eating while driving. Reducing distraction can reduce the number of accidents on the roads and can save lives.

Monday 21 October 2019

Thursday 17 October 2019



1. What is PDCA ?

Plan- Do- Check- Act - A Practical and a systematic approach for managing changes, bringing effectiveness and knowing the areas of improvement.

Work place safety culture can be established by implementing PDCA cycle by 
P- Well defined safety goals and policy , 
D- Implementing the process
C- Monitoring and measuring the safety performance
A- Taking actions to bring continual improvement

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2. What is ALARP Risk Management?

Risk is most commonly represented on an inverted triangle such as increasing from a ‘broadly acceptable’ risk region, through a ‘tolerable’ region only if shown to be ALARP, to an ‘intolerable’ region, in which the risk cannot be justified on any grounds.

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When the assessed risk is above the broadly acceptable level, but below the unacceptable level, then risk reduction is expected to be carried out by a corporation to a level ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’ (or ALARP).

As it is generally known that plant operation is undertaken with risks. Risk is the possibility that harm (illness, injury or death) might occur when plant personnel or equipment expose to a hazard. Theoretically, all foreseeable risks must be identified and managed through a structured process. Because risk cannot be completely eliminated, it is however possible to be minimized to a level that is As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).

ALARP principle is basically represented by the above risk triangle with high risk ( indicated by red color) on the top and low risk (green color) at the bottom. And medium risk is located somewhere in the middle. When a risk is reduced by mitigations or measures, the degree of risk is decreased from high to low. Risks above the Upper Tolerability Limit is intolerable which risk reduction is a must. Between the Upper and the Lower Tolerability Limit, the risk is only tolerable if it is ALARP, which means that all reasonably practicable risk reduction measures have to be identified and implemented. Lastly, below the Lower Tolerability Limit, risk is broadly tolerable or accpetable. ALARP is a point at which a risk is reduced so low that further risk reduction measure is not required. ALARP is simply a balancing of risk reduction and the cost of achieving it.

3. What is IDLH?

Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health limits (IDLHs) are workplace exposure limits that are meant to protect workers when they are exposed to a toxic chemical in the course of their work.

The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) defines an immediately dangerous to life or health condition as a situation "that poses a threat of exposure to airborne contaminants when that exposure is likely to cause death or immediate or delayed permanent adverse health effects or prevent escape from such an environment." Examples of gases which may pose an IDLH atmosphere include oxygen-displacing gases, such as argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, helium, or even steam.
For example: The IDLH level for carbon monoxide is 1200 ppm.

IDLH values are established 
(1) To ensure that the worker can escape from a given contaminated environment in the event of failure of the respiratory protection equipment and
(2) To indicate a maximum level above which only a highly reliable breathing apparatus, providing maximum worker protection, is permitted.

Some types of atmospheres contain concentrations of hazardous substances that place the worker in immediate danger because these concentrations would impair the ability to leave the work area (self rescue) or potentially cause irreversible health effects, including serious injury or death in a matter of minutes.

There are particular conditions that are considered "Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH)". These include :
A known contaminant at a concentration known to be IDLH
A known contaminant at an unknown concentration with the potential to be IDLH
An unknown contaminant at an unknown concentration
An untested confined space
An oxygen-deficient atmosphere
Contaminants at or above 20% of their lower explosive limit (LEL—the concentration at which          the gas or vapour could ignite).

4. Explain Lockout/Tagout (LOTO).

Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) refers to the specific practices and procedures for safely de-energizing and re-energizing equipment when service or maintenance must be performed.

 Image result for follow lockout tagout procedures

Lockout : The placement of a lock on an energy-isolating device. This act prevents workers from energizing and operating a piece of equipment until the lock is removed.

Tagout : The placement of a tag on an energy-isolating device. A tagout device is a prominent warning device of a lockout.

Hazardous Energy Sources: This term applies to stored or residual energy such as that in capacitors, springs, elevated machine members, rotating flywheels, hydraulic systems, and air, gas, steam, or water pressure.


Proper lockout/tagout (LOTO) procedures save workers from severe injuries and death. If equipment starts up during maintenance, workers can be caught in the machinery and suffer electrocutions, fractures, lacerations, crushing injuries, amputations, or fatalities.
  • Energy can be dangerous, and machines may be powered by multiple sources. To fully de-energize a machine it must be completely disconnected from its source of power (electricity, steam, gas, pneumatics or hydraulics, etc.) and go through a total equipment shutdown, ensuring that there is no risk for the system to release any remaining stored energy.
  • Watch out for stored energy. Machines can store energy in raised loads, coiled springs, charged capacitors, etc., even after the energy sources have been turned off. Make sure stored energy is depleted before starting maintenance.
Basic elements of a lockout safety program

1. Identify which energy sources need to be locked out
2. Can device be locked out?
  • If an energy-isolating device have the capability to be locked, it should be.
  • If not, then a tagout system that meets additional training and inspection requirements will be sufficient.
3. Establish lockout/tagout procedure
4. Assign locking/tagging duties to specific individual
5. Employ  maintenance team
6. Ensure all stored energy has been released
        Disconnect machine from all power sources (remember, some machines use multiple kinds of              energy) and walk through total equipment shutdown, making sure there isn’t any energy left in            capacitor banks, coils, etc.
7. Proceed with maintenance/service as determined by company protocol
8. Before returning machinery to operation and removing locks/tags, make sure that:
  • Equipment is in the “off” position
  • The equipment has been properly re-assembled
  • Equipment is reconnected to power sources
9. Follow company protocol for unlocking and/or untagging and returning machines to service
        Remember: only the person who applied locks/tags should remove them!

5. What is Air Dispersion Modelling? 

Air dispersion modeling is the mathematical simulation of how air pollutants disperse in the ambient atmosphere. It is performed with computer programs that include algorithms to solve the mathematical equations that govern the pollutant dispersion. The dispersion models are used to estimate the downwind ambient concentration of air pollutants or toxins emitted from sources such as industrial plants, vehicular traffic or accidental chemical releases. They can also be used to predict future concentrations under specific scenarios (i.e. changes in emission sources). Therefore, they are the dominant type of model used in air quality policy making. They are most useful for pollutants that are dispersed over large distances and that may react in the atmosphere.

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Dispersion models are tasked with protecting and managing the ambient air quality. The models also serve to assist in the design of effective control strategies to reduce emissions of harmful air pollutants.

Air dispersion models are also used by public safety responders and emergency management personnel for emergency planning of accidental chemical releases. Models are used to determine the consequences of accidental releases of hazardous or toxic materials, Accidental releases may result in fires, spills or explosions that involve hazardous materials, such as chemicals or radionuclides. The results of dispersion modeling can provide an estimate of location impacted areas, ambient concentrations, and be used to determine protective actions appropriate in the event a release occurs. Appropriate protective actions may include evacuation or shelter in place for persons in the downwind direction.
The dispersion models vary depending on the mathematics used to develop the model and the required data include:
  • Meteorological conditions such as wind speed and direction, the amount of atmospheric turbulence (as characterized by what is called the "stability class"), the ambient air temperature, the height to the bottom of any inversion aloft that may be present, cloud cover and solar radiation.
  • Source term (the concentration or quantity of toxins in emission or accidental release source terms) and temperature of the material
  • Emissions or release parameters such as source location and height, type of source (i.e., fire, pool or vent stack) and exit velocity, exit temperature and mass flow rate or release rate.
  • Terrain elevations at the source location and at the receptor location(s), such as nearby homes, schools, businesses and hospitals.
  • The location, height and width of any obstructions (such as buildings or other structures) in the path of the emitted gaseous plume, surface roughness or the use of a more generic parameter "rural" or "city" terrain.
The atmospheric dispersion models are also known as atmospheric diffusion models, air dispersion models, air quality models, and air pollution dispersion models.
Benefits of Air Dispersion Modelling
  • Air emissions from stacks and other sources can cause health and nuisance problems not only in the locality but sometimes 10’s of km away.
  • Air Dispersion Modelling can predict whether there will be problems with emissions from a site and help explore the effect of various solutions.
  • The Air Dispersion model will take the stack emissions and combine these with the weather conditions and effects of topography (hills, buildings etc.) and then predict the concentration at ground level of the emissions. The concentration of the substances are then generally compared to the Ambient Air Quality standards.

6. What is Industrial Ventilation? 

Ventilation is the mechanical system in a building that brings in "fresh" outdoor air and removes the "contaminated" indoor air.

In a workplace, ventilation is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants. It is commonly used to remove contaminants such as fumes, dusts, and vapours, in order to provide a healthy and safe working environment.

Ventilation is considered an "engineering control" to remove or control contaminants released in indoor work environments. It is one of the preferred ways to control employee exposure to air contaminants.

Ventilation can be accomplished by natural means (e.g., opening a window) or mechanical means (e.g., fans or blowers).

Purpose of a ventilation system:
·      Provide a continuous supply of fresh outside air.
·      Maintain temperature and humidity at comfortable levels.
·      Reduce potential fire or explosion hazards.
·      Remove or dilute airborne contaminants.

Other ways to control contaminants include:
·      Eliminate the use of the hazardous chemical or material,
·      Substitute with less toxic chemicals,
·      Process change, or
·      Work practice change.

Basic types of ventilation systems:

There are two types of mechanical ventilation systems used in industrial settings:
General Exhaust (Dilution) Ventilation Systems
General exhaust ventilation, also called dilution ventilation, is different from local exhaust ventilation because instead of capturing emissions at their source and removing them from the air, general exhaust ventilation allows the contaminant to be emitted into the workplace air and then dilutes the concentration of the contaminant to an acceptable level (e.g., to the PEL or below). Dilution systems are often used to control evaporated liquids.

Local exhaust ventilation captures contaminates at or very near the source and exhausts them outside.

Components of local exhaust ventilation:
A local exhaust system has six basic elements
·      A "hood" or opening that captures the contaminant at the source.
·      Ducts that transport the airborne chemicals through the system.
·      An air cleaning device that removes the contaminant from the moving air in the system (not always required).
·      Fans that move the air through the system and discharge the exhaust air outdoors.
·      An exhaust stack through which the contaminated air is discharged.
·      Make up air that replaces the exhausted air.

Basic components of a local exhaust system


HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning) is a common term that can also include cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying, or otherwise conditioning air for comfort and health. HVAC also is used for odor control and the maintenance of acceptable concentrations of carbon dioxide.

7. Safety in material handling at construction site

During construction, large numbers of material handling equipment like cranes, chain pulley blocks, hoists, lifts and other lifting accessories are used for transferring/lifting of different construction materials, heavy structures etc.
Various types of hazards such as crush injury due to fall of material, caught in-between moving part of crane, collapse of crane, overturning of crane are associated with this material handling equipment that may cause loss of life and property.
To prevent the hazards associated with the material handling, the following important measures need to be taken
  1. No lifting machine, chain, rope or lifting tackle should be taken into use for the first time unless it has been tested and examined by a competent person and a certificate of such a test and examination specifying the safe working load and signed by the person making the test and the examination is kept available for inspection.
  2. Cranes should be operated only by authorized persons who are well trained and experienced.
  3. Regular inspection and maintenance of material handling equipment should be scheduled and carried out. Load testing of crane at specified load should be carried out by Competent Person at least once in twelve months.
  4. Standard signals given by an authorized signalman should be used so that the operator and user are able to synchronize their communication.
  5. Care should be taken to prevent accidental approach to live electric overhead line.
  6. The load to be lifted should not exceed the Safe Working Load (SWL).
  7. The load to be lifted should be secured tightly to prevent falling during lifting.
  8. Material handling operations should be carried out under supervision. Lift area should be cordoned off during the lifting operation. No one should be under/close to any working crane or suspended load.

Trapped in a Lift

Trapped in a Lift
Image result for lift trapping

When a lift breaks down with people trapped inside, the greatest danger is from panic.


*      Stay calm and try to reassure anyone who shows sign of panic.
*      Instill confidence and explain that you are not in danger, that help can be summoned in several            ways, and that there is no possibility of the lift falling out of control down the shaft.
*      Use the alarm button or the telephone inside the lift to call for help.
*      If there is no alarm system, bang on the door and shout for help.
*      Once you contact someone outside, explain what has happened and ask him to get expert help at          once.
*      Tell your contact to dial 101 (Fire Brigade).
*      Stay calm and wait, you may get hungry, thirsty and worried, but you will survive.


*      Never try to escape from the lift without help from an expert outside.
*      Do not try to force the inner lift doors open.
*      Do not be tempted to climb out of any hatch there may be in the lift’s ceiling.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Fire Safety

Fire Safety
1. What is a Fire Safety Checklist?

A Fire safety checklist is the list of items to be checked, verified or inspected. Checklists allows us to ensure we don't forget any steps. Fire safety checklists are excellent tools used to inspect for potential risks and fire hazards that can be mitigated to avoid serious injuries, workplace deaths, and property loss. 

What are the structural building materials?
  • Are the walls, ceilings and floors, furniture, floor coverings and window treatments fire-resistant?
  • Do they meet NFPA, state and federal codes?
  • Are the fire suppression systems adequate to meet the needs of the facility and the potential hazards?
  • Is the local water supply adequate to meet the needs of the sprinkler system and emergency responders?
  • Are there adequate, properly marked emergency exits?
  • Are there firewalls and doors to prevent or slow the spread of fire from one area to the next?

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Realize the value of doing things the right way

Realize the value of doing things the right way
Realize the value of doing things the right way

Realize the value of doing things the right way

Iam fortunate working with National Institute of Fire and Safety Management (NIFS) as a Safety Educationalist and would like to provide some insight into the nature of behavioral safety that focuses on people’s behavior as the cause of most of the injuries and accidents. This should remind us how important behavioral safety is and how it helps in recognizing our personal responsibilities and supports a progressive improvement in all aspects of safety.

There are a lot of accidents that could actually be prevented if people were just doing the things they are supposed to do. According to the recent analysis, most of the accidents reported are fire and industrial accidents, construction accidents and road accidents, etc...

Approximately, 25,000 persons die in fires and fire related causes every year in India. A fire can occur at any time at any place. Human error is a major cause of fires either their actions, which may be accidental or their failure in taking appropriate precautions such as for example, the regular inspection, maintenance and repair of faulty equipment. The major causes for these accidents are exploding of gas cylinders, faulty electrical wiring and electrical short circuits. With the right caution and knowledge in fire safety, many of these accidents could have been avoided.

Due to rapid industrialisation with ever increasing mechanisation, electrification, chemicalization and sophistication, industrial jobs have become more and more complex and complicated. This has led to increased accidents and injuries in the industries. Unsafe behaviours alone account for more than 90 percent of accidents. When the contribution of human factors to incidents is considered, it is usually claimed that 70-80% of incidents are caused by “human error” and these were suggested to be prevented by implementing behavioural safety that aims to improve safety by changing the behaviour of the individual.

The construction industry is highly accident prone industry where accidents are likely to occur. They are mainly caused due to worker’s negligence, failure to obey safe procedures, work at high elevation, poor site management, failure to use personal protective equipments while at work, lack of adequate knowledge and poor attitude towards safety. Control of construction accidents has now become essential by means of introducing the unsafe behavi- ors of workers and changing the workers attitudes towards ensuring behaviour through training programs.

More than 1.3 lakh people die on Indian roads and the majority of traffic accidents are caused by reckless driving, driver’s disregard for traffic rules, drunken driving, over speeding, failing to use seatbelts and driving without a helmet that are significantly increasing the number of road accidents in India. We can save lives and prevent injuries by changing the mindset of riders, drivers and road users making them realize their responsibilities that can certainly bring about a change in their behaviors.


Monday 14 October 2019

Risk of Chronic respiratory diseases due to hazardous air pollution

Risk of Chronic respiratory diseases due to hazardous air pollution

Air pollution is the ninth leading risk factor for mortality and remains a major challenge as air pollution in urban areas is steadily increasing causing chronic respiratory diseases. In a thickly populated country like ours, the rate of risk factors are still high and people are suffering from varied pulmonary disorders due to the complex mixture of both man-made and natural pollutants. The most common ambient air pollutants are Particulate matter (PM), Sulphur dioxide ( SO2), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Ozone (O3), Carbon monoxide (CO)& Lead.

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Recent studies show that PM 2.5 released through Industrial process, vehicular emissions, coal and fuel combustion is estimated to cause 3.3 million deaths each year. PM is categorized into three types - Coarse particles of diameter 2.5 to 10 µm, Fine particles of diameter less than 2.5 µm (PM 2.5) and ultrafine particles of diameter less than 0.1µm (PM 0.1). These fine particles can get deep into the lungs and some may even get into the bloodstream. Exposure to these particles can affect a person's lungs and heart. Health studies reveal that exposure to particle pollution poses great health risks that include cardiovascular effects such as heart attacks and chronic respiratory effects such as asthma and bronchitis.

The heavy carbon mixed air continues to be associated with reduced lung function and causing several pulmonary disorders. Exposure to NO2, SO2, and PM from industrial and vehicular emissions significantly contribute to upper and lower respiratory tract infections (RTIs) and increase the risk of lung cancer.

The incidence of occupational lung diseases like Silicosis and Asbestosis has increased dramatically in the workplace with an increased risk of other problems, such as tuberculosis, lung cancer, and chronic bronchitis.

Requisite actions to reduce the freight of respiratory diseases

1.    Develop programs and policies to prevent and treat respiratory diseases.

2.    Adopt standards to reduce ambient air pollution. In addition, more attention should be paid to what pollutants are elevated beyond normal level.

3.    Develop an early diagnosis of respiratory diseases through proper education and awareness.

4.   Provide education and training in the use of respiratory PPE for protecting against respiratory infections like face masks, N95 masks.

5.   Increase public awareness of respiratory diseases and control measures.

6. Using of nose mask during haze environment can help in preventing adverse effects from vehicular pollution