Thursday 17 October 2019

Trapped in a Lift

Image result for lift trapping

When a lift breaks down with people trapped inside, the greatest danger is from panic.


*      Stay calm and try to reassure anyone who shows sign of panic.
*      Instill confidence and explain that you are not in danger, that help can be summoned in several            ways, and that there is no possibility of the lift falling out of control down the shaft.
*      Use the alarm button or the telephone inside the lift to call for help.
*      If there is no alarm system, bang on the door and shout for help.
*      Once you contact someone outside, explain what has happened and ask him to get expert help at          once.
*      Tell your contact to dial 101 (Fire Brigade).
*      Stay calm and wait, you may get hungry, thirsty and worried, but you will survive.


*      Never try to escape from the lift without help from an expert outside.
*      Do not try to force the inner lift doors open.
*      Do not be tempted to climb out of any hatch there may be in the lift’s ceiling.

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