Monday 24 May 2021




§  Derived from the Greek words ‘Ergon’ meaning work and ‘nomos’ meaning laws.

§  Thus, ergonomics can be simply defined as the how workplace and equipment can be best used and designed for comfort, safety, efficiency and productivity.

§  Simply, ergonomics is the branch of science that deals with the people and their working environment.

§  It can also be understood as the study of worker in their working environment.

§  Ergonomics is concerned with designing or arranging workplaces, products and systems so that they fit the people who use them and the maximum output can be obtained from them

§  Ergonomics extends beyond the proper posture of the workers.


Types of Ergonomics


·        Physical ergonomics is concerned with the way the body interacts with the worker’s tools (anything from shovels to chairs to personal computers) and their effects on the body such as posture, musculoskeletal disorders, repetitive disorders, workplace layout and workplace health and safety.  

·        Cognitive Ergonomics relates to the way the mind processes information, memory usage, decision-making and other mental workloads.

·        Organizational Ergonomics is concerned with optimizing the workplace, teamwork, performance assessment and quality management. It includes office design, shift (work hours) management, teamwork, virtual organizations, tele-work, addressing communication, and quality management in the workplace.

Elements of Ergonomics


Anthropometry is the science of measurement of the human body. It can be applied to ensure that workers have sufficient space to perform their tasks and they can reach necessary equipment and tools. 

Structural anthropometry also referred to as static anthropometry or static dimensions. These are measurements with the body in a still or fixed position; for example, stature or height, weight, head circumference. 

Dynamic Anthropometry : The dimensions are taken with the body at work, in motion or in workspace attitudes.

The human body is measured with anthropometric measuring tools. Basic components include the anthropometer, personal scale, spreading caliper, pelvimeter, sliding caliper, soft metric tape and caliper.

Anthropometric measurements are a series of quantitative measurements of the muscle, bone, and adipose tissue used to assess the composition of the body. The core elements of anthropometry are height, weight, body mass index (BMI), body circumferences (waist, hip, and limbs), and skin fold thickness.

 There are several factors that affect the dimensions of the human body are namely:

1. Age: The first factor is age. In each person’s measurement, the age of the person must be known. This can happen because basically, every age has different body dimensions. The dimensions of the human body will grow and grow with age.

2. Gender: Besides using age as a variation of data, gender also determines other variations. Basically, the dimensions of the male body size are generally larger than women. So it is important to group measurements through gender.

3. Ethnic groups/ Racial: Every ethnic or ethnic group will have physical characteristics that will differ from one another.

4. Profession

Biomechanics is the science of movement of a living body, including how muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments work together to produce movement.

Engineers and occupational therapists use biomechanics to design work tasks and equipment to prevent overuse injuries related to specific jobs.

The applications of biomechanics to human movement can be classified into two main areas: the improvement of performance and the reduction or treatment of injury.

Importance of ergonomics:

a) Increases productivity

§  Best ergonomic solution enhances the productivity

§  Ergonomic reduces the unwanted tension, awkward position of the body.

§  Ergonomic is focused in making the work your easier and comfortable, this thereby reduces any kind of stress, risk and enhances the satisfaction and productivity.

b) Reduces the cost

§  Ergonomics can be considered as the one-time investment

§  As ergonomics is focused about marinating the better health of the worker it can further reduce the cost of compensation that would be made by the injured or unhealthy staffs.

§  It also reduces the indirect and the opportunity cost that could have incurred due to injury.

c) Improves the quality of the work

§  Improved ergonomics favors the favorable environment where the workers can work efficiently.

§  As the ergonomics improves, level of satisfaction in the quality of the work increases.

d) Others

§  Helps to reduce the absenteeism due to more comfort, safety and healthy working environment

§  Assurance to the worker as their workplace is safer (acts as the motivation)

§  More focus on the working environment and worker’s health makes them feel valued and boost of moral.

Principles of Ergonomics

There are 12 fundamental principles of ergonomics which are:

1- Keep everything in easy reach

2- Work at proper heights

3- Reduce excessive force

4- Work in good postures

5- Reduce excessive repetition

6- Minimize fatigue

7- Minimize direct pressure

8- Provide adjustability and change posture

9- Provide clearance and access

10- Maintain a comfortable environment

11- Enhance clarity and understanding

12- Improve work organization

Ergonomic Risk Factors:

The major workplace ergonomic risk factors to consider are:

Awkward Postures 

Posture determines which joints and muscles are used in an activity. It also affects the amount of force required to perform a job. For example, more stress is placed on spinal discs when lifting, lowering or handling objects when the back is bent or twisted than when the back is straight. 

Tasks requiring repeated or sustained twisting of the wrists, knees, hips or shoulders create increased wear and tear on joints and muscles in those areas.

Forceful Exertions 

Work that involves forceful exertions—such as lifting, pulling, pushing, gripping or pinching—place higher loads on muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, cartilage, and spinal discs. Prolonged or frequent activities with high amounts of force can cause fatigue. If there is inadequate time for rest and recovery, these activities can lead to musculoskeletal problems. Force requirements may increase with: 

  • Increased weight and bulkiness of the load being handled or lifted
  • Increased speed or acceleration of movement (e.g., jerkiness)
  • Presence of localized or whole-body vibration
  • Use of the index finger and thumb to forcefully grip an object (i.e., a pinch grip compared to a power grip)
  • Use of small or narrow tools that limit grip capacity. 

Repetitive Motions

If motions are repeated frequently and for long periods of time, like an eight-hour shift, a buildup of fatigue and muscle tendon strain can occur resulting in repetitive strain injuries(RSIs). Repetitive motion is especially dangerous when combined with other risk factors, such as awkward postures or forceful exertions. 

Ergonomic Risk Controls

Some Ways to Reduce Ergonomic Risks Engineering Improvements.

Engineering controls include rearranging, modifying, redesigning, or replacing tools, equipment, workstations, packaging, parts, or products. These improvements can be very effective because they may reduce or eliminate contributing factors. (For example, if your job requires sitting for long periods of time, having an adjustable seat or foot stool so that your knees are higher than your hips helps protect your lower back.)

Administrative controls. Administrative improvements include changing work practices or the way work is organized.

      Providing variety in jobs

      Adjusting work schedules and work pace

      Providing recovery time (i.e., muscle relaxation time)

      Modifying work practices

 Ensuring regular housekeeping and maintenance of work spaces, tools, and equipment

     Encouraging exercise

Personal Protective Equipment. Safety gear, or personal protective equipment (PPE), includes gloves, knee and elbow pads, footwear, and other items that employees wear.

ErgonomicInjuries/Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSDs):

§  Ergonomic injuries or MSDs can affect the muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, cartilage and spinal discs.

§  Musculoskeletal disorder (MSDs) is also known as the repetitive motion injury.

§  MSDs are the condition that can affect muscles, joints and bones.

§  MSD are caused due to individual risk factor or ergonomic risk factor.

§  MSDs are the single largest category of workplace injuries and are responsible for almost 30% of all worker’s compensation costs

§  Individual risk factor include age, nutrition, activity, etc., while ergonomic risk factors includes:

§  High task repetition

§  Awkward body posture for longer period

§  Sitting in same posture

§  Lifting heavy weights.

 WMSDS/ MSDS – Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders

MSDs, or musculoskeletal disorders, are injuries and disorders of the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and cartilage) and nervous system. They can affect nearly all tissues, including the nerves and tendon sheaths, and most frequently involve the arms and back. Occupational  safety and health  professionals  have called these  disorders a variety  of names, including  cumulative trauma disorders(CTDs),  repeated trauma and repetitive stress injuries(RSIs). These painful and often disabling injuries generally develop gradually over weeks, months, and years. MSDs usually result from exposure to multiple risk factors that can cause  or aggravate the disorders,  not from  a single  event.

MSDs  can  cause  a  number  of  conditions,  including  pain,  numbness,  tingling,  stiff  joints,  difficulty  moving, muscle  loss, and  sometimes  paralysis. Frequently, workers must lose time from work to recover;  some never  regain full  health. These disorders include carpal tunnel syndrome,  tendinitis, herniated discs,  and low  back pain. MSDs do not include injuries resulting from slips, trips, falls, or similar accidents



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